Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Note to Hatcher: I don't understand what you're saying!

I consider myself to be an intelligent woman with heaps of common sense (except for when drunk ... mention the Aussie and I will be forced to hurt you!) But when I started reading Hatchers current blog I had no idea what he was talking about! I know it's something to do with the online version of Final Fantasy .... but I just don't get it! I can follow most of it (I understand he is insane - I work with him) and then he posted this:

Housemate: [Party] [Do You Need It?] [Nortorious Monster] [Please Assist] [Help Me Out] 2/???
Hatcher: ....

I could grasp the concept when he was talking in FF speak .... but his housemate too? I didn't think he was the techie type!? So surely he wouldn't play which means he wouldn't talk like that?!? His housemate has the ability to talk without typing - a feat which is beyond our angst ridden Hatcher. He is far to old skool cool for the new chic geek ..... perhaps Hatcher can no longer understand what people say when talking english and so his housemate has taken up a second language - Hatcherish. That would explain a lot. I wonder if he can teach me too??

OK, I think that explains a lot ..... I've just got one question left for you Hatcher - where's that vodka??!

1 comment:

Hatcher said...

Hey Sexy!

Well... Wat Can I say??

Yes I do have my own language... But then being greek/english and working in IT just be glad its not some random Star Trek Clone language.

I hide the vodka under my desk!! Come and get it!!