Thursday 22 February 2007

Update on the Nothingness

noth·ing·ness (nŭth'ĭng-nĭs) n.
The condition or quality of being nothing; nonexistence.
Empty space; a void.
Lack of consequence; insignificance.
Something inconsequential or insignificant.

How true does that sound for my job right now?! OK, so I've returned from the beautiful Goa (with a great tan I might add!!) and I'm back at work. Nothing is the same - we have even less control now than we did before I left - but they are still unwilling to support our users but we cannot do anything! I don't understand the thinking behind this ..... our users already don't particularly like them being as they adore us (I tell you no lie) and we are losing our jobs because they are staying, so why are they making them dislike them even more?! Do they feel that users should be grateful they are getting their expert (I'm sorry but it's not) service that they don't need to be polite and understanding to the users plight?! B*stards! Our users (most of them anyway) are absolute sweeties they don't deserve to be spoken down to just because they have again locked themselves out of their PC - I don't care if they manage to do it ten times an hour they should still be polite, it wouldn't cost them anything!!

Rant over (for now) I'm going home to shower, de-stress and cuddle up to my amazing boyfriend.

x x x

Tuesday 23 January 2007


Is nothingness an actual word? If not it should be. It's what has happened to my career as I wait for my redundancy as another company takes the one I work for over. Sorry did I say take over I meant merger - yeah right!
I've got a couple of job interviews lined up but I'm not even sure I can do the job anymore!! We have been faced with such nothingness my brain has gone stale. My mind is no longer an ocean of information and knowledge but more a bathfull of stagnant, stale, year old mulch. Do you know the worst thing? I don't even know what mulch is?!
I'm off to Goa in a couple of weeks so I'm hoping I will return refreshed and with my brain patched together again - only for it to revert to it's current state within a couple of weeks!!


Wednesday 17 January 2007


Why do people want a google/yahoo toolbar?? Why?! What benefit do they provide for you exactly? Other than to annoy those in IT support who have to remove them and clean up the mess they leave behind!?
I won't mention names I think you know who you are .... just STOP DOING IT!! If you want to use google just type in your address bar - yes it's that simple!

Rant over (for now) you are free to go x

Note to Hatcher: I don't understand what you're saying!

I consider myself to be an intelligent woman with heaps of common sense (except for when drunk ... mention the Aussie and I will be forced to hurt you!) But when I started reading Hatchers current blog I had no idea what he was talking about! I know it's something to do with the online version of Final Fantasy .... but I just don't get it! I can follow most of it (I understand he is insane - I work with him) and then he posted this:

Housemate: [Party] [Do You Need It?] [Nortorious Monster] [Please Assist] [Help Me Out] 2/???
Hatcher: ....

I could grasp the concept when he was talking in FF speak .... but his housemate too? I didn't think he was the techie type!? So surely he wouldn't play which means he wouldn't talk like that?!? His housemate has the ability to talk without typing - a feat which is beyond our angst ridden Hatcher. He is far to old skool cool for the new chic geek ..... perhaps Hatcher can no longer understand what people say when talking english and so his housemate has taken up a second language - Hatcherish. That would explain a lot. I wonder if he can teach me too??

OK, I think that explains a lot ..... I've just got one question left for you Hatcher - where's that vodka??!