Thursday, 22 February 2007

Update on the Nothingness

noth·ing·ness (nŭth'ĭng-nĭs) n.
The condition or quality of being nothing; nonexistence.
Empty space; a void.
Lack of consequence; insignificance.
Something inconsequential or insignificant.

How true does that sound for my job right now?! OK, so I've returned from the beautiful Goa (with a great tan I might add!!) and I'm back at work. Nothing is the same - we have even less control now than we did before I left - but they are still unwilling to support our users but we cannot do anything! I don't understand the thinking behind this ..... our users already don't particularly like them being as they adore us (I tell you no lie) and we are losing our jobs because they are staying, so why are they making them dislike them even more?! Do they feel that users should be grateful they are getting their expert (I'm sorry but it's not) service that they don't need to be polite and understanding to the users plight?! B*stards! Our users (most of them anyway) are absolute sweeties they don't deserve to be spoken down to just because they have again locked themselves out of their PC - I don't care if they manage to do it ten times an hour they should still be polite, it wouldn't cost them anything!!

Rant over (for now) I'm going home to shower, de-stress and cuddle up to my amazing boyfriend.

x x x